Do not always the man who should be heard as he spoke. Do the same thing when women talk. This is not selfishness, but rather to shows you care and attention to the problem.
2. Not PMS
Women wish men were more emotionally intelligent when woman. Not only caused by PMS, but sometimes she is upset because a thing. So, never considered merely as the ringleader of all STDs problem.
3. Sensitive
Unfortunately not many men who have EQ (Emotional quotient) is high.This means it is less sensitive to the state of being experienced women. Instead of silence, sometimes more men undermine women who being emotionally unstable with more questions.
4. Communication
Communication is the most important thing in touch. At the right moment, strengthen the relationship and communication make both sides know the nature of each. Missing communication means more latent problems.
5. Nature of Women
There are several characteristics of women who expected men also have it. Not feminine nature, but trying to be friendly to people who are less Preferably, such as to friends, family and even the woman.
6. Women not only take care of the house
Many men who look modern, but when long touch, he began behaving like an employer who always want to be served, for example cook. Do not position women like it, because from here you do not
have respect for women. Treat him just like you dealing with the boss lady. You can feel the difference, is not it?
7. Macho does not mean no responsibility
Often we see a man who pretended to act macho rough, selfish, bravado or the things that disturb other people's comfort and norms. This is one of the turn-off for the women.
8. Protective, not possessive
Protecting okay, but if a man already considered women as goods hers, something is wrong. When a person feels to have people others, not because of personal relationships, a lot of chaos going on from small things.
9. Romantic
What woman does not like romantic things? Especially if it is he got from the guy she likes. However, many events it it's just a romantic sheer challenge to get someone, and then not continue after becoming boyfriend or wife.
10. Honesty
The last thing the easiest, simplest and most important. Honesty will make things easier.
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